Statement: The Demands for Defunding Cedar Falls and UNI Police
July 15, 2020
We must stand vehemently against the content of the request to defund our police. We must categorically reject any call for “moving toward a world without policing.” This idea is fundamentally opposed to the needs and the best interest of our community.
Regardless of whether or not the protestors have good intentions, our community must not legitimize this request. Our police force must know that we stand with them.
Police provide a critical service to our community. Police are responsible for maintaining public order and safety. They enforce the law, and they prevent, detect and investigate criminal activities.
A world without policing would not create “a safer society for all people” as the protestors suggest. We have already seen the tragedies that take place when police were removed from portions of Seattle. Tragedies that were completely avoidable and for which the city leadership should be held accountable.
A request was also made to “move toward a world without … prisons.” Rather than focusing on the removal of prisons, our communities would be better served by focusing on supporting the rehabilitation of people who are currently incarcerated.
While we must not entertain any discussion where one side desires the abolition of a critical service to our community like policing, we cannot pretend that everything in our society is perfect today. We should welcome continuous improvement in all areas of public safety and spending priorities, but we cannot negotiate with those who deny the reality of the needed service of policing.
We must be a nation of law and order, we must be a state of law and order, and we must be a city of law and order. We must support our local police to keep our communities safe.
Referenced article from KWWL